E-Mail Security Review

Email security services protect company email accounts from undesired access and mishandling, as well as secure employee emails from deletion and viruses. We track global instances of ransomware, phishing, spoofing, and other email-related cybercrime through threat intelligence.

The proliferation of email servers and user workstations running mail clients has made them a target for hackers. Business email compromise, ransomware attacks, and targeted phishing attacks are some of the most common threats launched against these devices. It is imperative that every organization have robust security reviews and controls in place to protect its mail server infrastructure from external threats.

Email encryption involves disguising the content of email messages to protect potentially sensitive information from being read by anyone other than intended recipients. Authentication is often used in email encryption to ensure that only authorized users can decrypt or read the message.

Every incident requires a unique approach to investigate and resolve. The GCSS security expert team is available 24/7 and can be reached for any email-related concerns.

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