Cookie Auditing Service

GCSS’s strategic and enthralled technical team uses best solutions to perform scans to assess the attributes and values of every cookie by discovering your site and its associated policy on cookies to relate their purpose and use cases; this helps generate a policy for better use of cookies to adhere ePrivacy Directive and Regulations.

Cookies enable web tracking that reveals user identity without their consent. Cookies are one of the basic and primary sources for advertising that uses your online activity to show targeted personalized ads. Due to the possibility of information stored in cookies, they are treated as personal data in certain events; are subject to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation and upcoming ePrivacy Regulation.

Gleam Cloud Security Solutions automatically displays and enforces the correct consent requirement based on the regulations specific to a visitor’s location. we also blocks and unblocks third-party scripts to ensure unsanctioned third parties don’t install problematic cookies.

Legal requirements and the public’s understanding of data privacy are growing daily, but compliance doesn’t need to be a burden. GCSS can protect your organization from unwanted legal scrutiny.

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